The Hip Tilt
Lying on your back with your feet on the mat and your knees up, flatten your belly down toward
the floor as you exhale. Flatten the back of your waist against the floor and tuck in your tail bone.
As you inhale, let your belly expand and let your lower back arch up from the floor, bringing
your tail bone back toward the mat, tilting the front of your hips away from the font of your ribs.
The hip tilt helps to increase strength, flexibility, and awareness in the core of your body.
This is a good place to practice being aware of your breathing. As you inhale, feel your whole
torso expanding and your backbone arching up off the floor. As you exhale, flatten your back against
the floor and squeeze all your air out, making your whole torso smaller.
When you have the move down, add a Kegel squeeze on you tuck. As you exhale and tuck in your tail bone,
engage your bladder-control muscles, and all your pelvic floor muscles. As you inhale, release.
Repeat 12 times. |