We value you as a site user. We have no interest in your personal info.
Our advertisers use a statistics-gathering app that tells us and them what type of device you are using (desktop/tablet/mobile), what country you are in, how long you stayed on the page, what link you used to get there, and whether you went to any of our other pages. These stats are generalized, with no reference to your personal information.
If you click on an advertisement on our sites, the advertiser probably will collect information about you. The information collected varies with different advertisers.
Most advertisers leave cookies on your computer or device. Cookies contain information about what you searched for, products you viewed, and other inforomation. If you want to avoid cookies, change your cookie policy in Settings on your computer or mobile device. On the up-side, cookies help advertisers and search engines know what you are looking for. I allow cookies on my devices.